It's the second or third day of wind advisories. Today there was a tornado watch too. And it's no wonder. The temperature was 70 degrees today. It's headed to 27 sometime tonight. That's tornado weather if ever there was. In fact, several tornadoes touched down in our state today. One town is pretty much gone. Some have lost all they had. Many are dead and missing. (May they rest in peace. May their families be comforted and provided for.)
It is fascinating and frightening to watch the trees rock and sway this way and that. I imagine that if one took a slow motion video of the trees behaving this way that they would look similar to sea plants and coral polyps moving in ocean currents. My two youngest and I stood together at the glass of a window this evening, mesmerized by the whooshing rush of wind, the airborne debris pelting the house and hurtling about. The trees seemed to be reaching like hands as the branches twisted, bent, and swayed. When I looked at their silhouettes against the sky, it was as if I was seeing in the spill of stage lights, the swaying arms and hands of concert-goers held in the air while they themselves stood in the darkness.
It has been a long two days of running about, and therefore, no naps for my littlest two. Plus the kids are all a little on edge since their dad's gone on a business trip. The wind was sort of gearing everyone up too. So after dinner tonight, I declared a rare "movie night." I lit a fire in the wood stove, folded down the futon, and lined the kids up with their pillows in front of my laptop.
What DVD did they pick? They call it "the monk movie." It's really named, "Into Great Silence." It's not a movie with a story line, but it's not a normal documentary either. It's a sort of immersion into the monastic life of Carthusian monks in an ancient monastery in the French Alps. (See a trailer here.) I wondered if a DVD of that title was picked consciously or unconsciously. But whatever the case, it was a great pick. It calmed us and soothed us. It was such a treat to lie with them nestling close to me like overgrown puppies, while the fire crackled and the wind whistled and moaned outside. I am so fortunate.
Wonderful! I felt a little like a nervous animal yesterday with the wind and the watches up. I noticed after a while that I had been pacing and my senses were on high alert. "Into Great Silence" would have been the perfect antidote for me, too! That movie does more for soothing one's senses than even a long soak in a hot tub with a glass of wine. Soothes the senses and feeds the spirit!