"Could it have possibly been a fox?" No, the head shape was wrong. There was no pointy snout. There was no long, bushy tail. The legs weren't slender enough.
"Could it have been an oversized barn or feral cat?" No, the legs were too long and too thick. There was no long, skinny tail. The tail was short and fat looking. The head seemed too large and sort of square.
So there's that today. No wonder our chickens were goners shortly after we moved here! Large, contiguous sections of state forest that meet up with the woods surrounding our house means more habitat for large wildlife, and more predators here than at our old place. Building a chicken tractor (moveable chicken run) will be a necessity that I will have to begin working on soon- before the chicks arrive.
The sap was running really well today too. I got nearly a half gallon from each of the taps by the end of the day. I didn't collect it tonight, because it was still running and it should taper off toward morning as the temps drop.

I also had the audacity to take the older kids to Reconciliation beforehand, and then since we were already there, we joined in with those who pray the Rosary aloud before Mass. The baby, with much wrestling, made it until about the Gospel reading, and then I took him and the younger two to the back. He's been trying to pull off one short nap a day, but his teething has been disturbing our sleep, so he can't quite do it- at least not gracefully. He gets incredibly fickle, violent, and accident prone. So he was a bit wild tonight. Added to that was the fact that my 4 year old has finally decided to pee standing up. (Of course, when my husband is out of town.) So he insisted on going to the bathroom no less than 3 times during Mass to indulge in this new found manliness.
We rounded out a day that also included stockpiling wood in all of the log racks in the house, picking up even more downed branches, taking down even more Christmas lights, removing leaves & twigs from the gutter-guards & roof, some house tidying, laundry, dishes, activating new credit cards, getting a new backup drive, etc. by staying up late and live-streaming a production of the Opera the H.M.S. Pinafore. It was another full day!

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