Who Am I?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Macro Photos

As I mentioned in my Morning Moments post, I am amazed by minutia. 
Close-up views of basic things awaken wonder in me... and reverence.  
Here are a few shots of trifles that I took this week.

I told you that I liked dew jewels! I also like stomata and veining. It makes a sort of involuted lace-like pattern. 

 Even spent dandelions are interesting to me when closely examined. Look at the seed left attached by the "parachute." Why didn't it get blown away? Is that a bit of web that I see holding it there? Or is the spider's filament slowly pulling off the seed? Notice the calix folded down so far. Observe the interesting texture left where the seeds have detached.

 Something as simple as a snail can become a thing of fascination for me. Look at the ridges on the shell, the flawless spiral. Notice those strange eye tentacles and the respiratory spores.

Even vinca major leaves are engaging with the right light, perspective, and distance.

Few people like insects of any sort, at least in close proximity- myself included,
but I even find observing an ant through a lens eerily interesting. 

And nearly everyone hates flies, 
but I find them morbidly absorbing on the macro setting. 

Since I have been taking pictures of flowers, I have found that flowers and insects often go hand-in-hand. It seems as though some flowers are the natural habitat for the "wee beasties." I don't usually notice the bugs until I'm closely observing the blooms, but I think that "creepy crawlies" actually add interest to a picture, so once I notice them, I try to include them in my composition. 

I find the intricate detail and tremendous complexity 
of even the simplest of things to be staggering. 

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