Who Am I?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fall Photos

As I mentioned in my last post, fall was full here. Here are some gratuitous photos from the last 2 months. 

When hauling the paddle boat and row boat in the truck, we disturbed a mouse who had been nesting under the metal seat in the row boat. (It is reinforced with a block of styrofoam.) She ran back and forth on the truck bed ledge behind the cab as we drove across the upper hay field, much to the delight and concern of our children. 

One night, returning home with my kids from the children's choir my girls are in, we saw a low-flying hot air balloon. "It looks like it's close to our house." Someone commented from the back seat. When we pulled up, it was just drifting over the garage, and I snapped a few photos as we waved and listened to the roar of the flame.

Despite the drought, the fall colors were beautiful this year (on the trees that still had leaves) they were just short-lived. This is morning light on a brilliant maple along a stretch of our drive with the upper hay field in the foreground.

And it was nice that the hay got green again too! On this windy, glorious day the leaves were just beginning to change colors.

Here's a pic. of some toad stools that struck my fancy as they pushed up through the fallen leaves. There are a lot of fungus, lichen, moss, and ferns in these parts.

And I think those are the only random pictures I have from this fall. But I do have some pictures of berries to make a post about, some deer pictures and a post about deer hunting to throw together, and a post concerning All Hallow's Eve that's coming too! So stay tuned... so to speak.

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