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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"Old Man Winter" Ain't Done

frost on the garage window
There was a light dusting of snow on the ground this morning. There's been no sap, and the forecast doesn't predict any weather that will cause it to run in the near future. It's supposed to be 7 degrees Fahrenheit tonight. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be about 20 degrees, and Thursday's high is forecasted to be 16 degrees; the low will be a stiff 4 degrees. 

After last week's above-freezing temps and last Saturday's warmth, the goats were bleating for feed when I went out to close them up tonight. I gave them a little more bedding, refilled their hay rack, and gave them some pelleted goat feed. Then I headed for the wood pile, or what's left of it, to load up the log cart before heading to the house. 

 long row of empty log racks along the woods

With the unusually long, cold winter (for here) our heating bills have been outrageous! There's a reason our house has 4 fireplaces AND a wood stove- the rare winter like this one! There are no gas utilities here, and the house was never plumbed for an external propane tank, so we have a heat pump and an electric furnace. It's like having a giant toaster heat our home- not very efficient! There has actually been a propane shortage and elevated prices this season, so we'd be hurting even if we did have a gas furnace. Anyway, I can't keep a bunch of fireplaces going with everything else I have going on, nor would it be wise, given the little ones, but we've fired up the wood stove on many evenings in order to cut back on costs, so much so that we are nearly out of wood. 

snow along the drive to the pole barn 
We've had so much snow and such cold temps this winter, that even despite the "warm" week there's plenty of snow on the ground in shady spots, plowed edges, and where drifting occurred. The pond is still frozen solid. But as usual, I can't help but to think ahead. I'm always ahead of myself, and not always in a good way.

I already have an interim chicken coop squared away, and plans for a lightweight "chicken tractor" (or moveable chicken run.) Today I placed an order for 15 chicks. My husband is traveling and working long hours this spring, so sap boils, building chicken containing contraptions, and tending chicks and pullets with my entourage of young helpers will likely prove to be interesting! But as usual, it will probably be memorable- hopefully in a good way!

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