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Friday, March 8, 2013

Deer Antics

Deer have been overrunning the place recently. This morning there were 7 does foraging along the drive across from the house and next to my bedroom, as well. We've had a lot of snow, so they have been coming particularly close to our home in order to find food that isn't buried. They paw through the snow and eat the tender new grass that I planted last year. They come for the ivy growing up the trees in the "yard" and the bushes in front of the house. 

Yesterday, unbeknownst to me, a deer was between the bushes and the house. When I walked into the bedroom she must have heard me. She raised her head into view and turned to look at me. Her nose was practically touching the window. She looked decidedly like a "peeping Tom" and it was mildly surprising. After a stare-down, she reluctantly decided to move.

The day before that the children and I noticed a deer outside of the window. She was standing on her hind legs for intervals in order to pull down ivy leaves.  She saw us, and although she kept a wary eye focused in our direction, she was not deterred. I actually managed to snap a photo of her because of this. Even my 3 and 5 year old watched her for quite some time despite tapping the window, pointing, talking loudly, and squealing in delight.

It was quite comical, for in her effort to pull down foliage, the deer also knocked snow onto herself. This caused her to snort and shake it off. Plus, the lunges, flailing legs, and circus-style walking was amusing too. 

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