The clutch went out yesterday as my husband was using the flail mower. (Flail mowers are awesome by the way!) So tonight he got out the riding mower in order to do what he could with it. And.... the belt broke. Nice.
Plus, we still haven't gotten the water quality for the well tested again. After the disparate test results of yore, we no longer trust our local lab and sent away for do-it-yourself test kits. I was too cheap to pay for expedited shipping, so the tests haven't even shown up yet! It's still jugged water and brushing our teeth at the kitchen sink with water from the faucet filter. Ugh.
But we did manage to put together an over-sized swing set! Now if only my 3 year old wouldn't freak out every time the 5 year old wants a turn with the half-bucket swing. Argh.... or when he wants to be lifted into it..... or to be pushed constantly.... This new baby/daddy travel/big sister "schools"now thing has been hard on him.
These are some of my "first world problems" today. That's what I console myself with in moments of stress. "It could always be worse."
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