Who Am I?

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Mornings are brutal here. In general, the run-down goes like this. I go to bed late. I don't sleep through the night. The sleep I do get is poor and fraught with nightmares and weird dreams. I get up early. 

Mornings really, really hurt. I sort of scrape myself from the bed by force of will. I always wake up sore and with a head ache. And the general goal for the day is to keep busy/moving so as not to face having to get myself going again. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe. Should I change what I am doing? Probably. But I am too busy holding on for dear life! Besides, heaven is called "eternal rest" for a reason, right? 

Anyway, my mornings are currently mitigated by baby smiles, bird song, and views like the one above. I snapped the picture early yesterday. The humidity here culminates in morning fog that quickly burns off as the sun hits it.

Oh, and that mocking bird from a previous post? It sings for all it's worth in the morning too! And when I can manage to in the midst of MY morning fog- I sing too.

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