Who Am I?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Apple Moon

I was just out tending the goat after tucking the kids in bed. On my way back from the barn I stopped to listen to the soft stirring of wind and the song of spring peepers. They are calling in full and continual 24 hour trilling chorus now. There are no longer discernible chirps from locatable areas. There is now just a pervasive wave of sounds, similar to the droning of cicadas in summer, although much less grating and much more pleasant. It is a gentle sound, really, a peaceful sound.

As I stopped for a few moments to enjoy the night air, I also noticed the moon shadows. The sky is so clear that the moon is particularly bright tonight. The moon is in it's first quarter, and was sitting just above Orion's left shoulder as I stood in the middle of the old paddock.

My two year old had already noticed the moon as we were riding in the car on the way back from our loooong day in town (two back-to-back music lessons, followed by chorus, and then all the errands and grocery shopping for the week crammed in between and after.) "Mama, I see da mooon," he crooned, "a half cir-co moon, an appo slice moon!"  I glanced in the mirror to see his beaming, upturned face as he pointed out the window. Because I was driving, I didn't get to enjoy the moon at that time, but I can now confirm that it was indeed a half-circle, apple slice moon.  He's a sharp one, that kid. And despite the brilliant moon, the plentiful stars are also particularly sharp, and shining tonight too.

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is so clear, and at the same time limpidly simple. I am impressed that you have the time, let alone the high level of writing ability to produce your blog. And I'm not saying that because we are related.

    I love all your entries, and am so proud of you.



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