Who Am I?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Full Moon

There's a full moon tonight. 
The farm dogs are all a little frantic 
with that big eye in the sky unblinkingly looking at them. 
They are yapping and yowling. 

The nightly trip to the barn tonight included my regular run-in with the intrepid 'possum and the usual crashing in the woods of startled deer bounding off.

The spring peepers, whose cries had been thinned and slowed by the return of freezing temperatures (which were brought back with the tornadic winds) have resumed their competitive chorus of calls this evening.

I also heard something that sounded like a vixen (female fox) intermittently calling for a mate too. It was noisy out there!

On the way back to the house I managed to capture this shot amidst the others that I snapped, which were mostly duds. Considering that I don't have a tripod, am a novice photographer, and was distracted by the fauna and their sounds, it's a pretty good one. I particularly like how on the upper periphery you can actually see the rugged ranges outlined against the obsidian-like sky.

The first time I tried to photograph the moon was shortly after Christmas. I got some beauties without too much effort. But tonight I had to fumble with settings until I got something decent.

I didn't manage to frame anything as beautifully as I did that first night.

That night I had come in late with the groceries, and was bewitched by the moon as I unloaded them. I was irresistibly drawn back outside to to try my hand at taking a portrait of "old man moon" with my new toy. Below is my photo from January 10th 2012. The moon is in focus behind a branch of a tulip poplar.

While I snapped this shot, a train whistle hooted long and low, followed by its resounding echoes. The wind stirred and murmured in the trees as I stood, chilly in my shirtsleeves. I love mystical moments such as those.  I was so moved by the experience that when I went inside I immediately posted the pic. and the description to my  facebook wall. (My husband was already asleep in bed and I wanted to share it with someone.) Now I share it with you and remember those moments of beauty anew. This is why I take photographs. First, they helps me focus on the beautiful bits. Second, they help me to relive them. Third, they make me a more grateful, joyful person.

The child's wonder
At the old moon
Comes back nightly.
She points her finger
To the far silent yellow thing
Shining through the branches...
-Carl Sandburg

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